Convenient and inviting location: Asheville
Welcome to my therapy practice, conveniently located in the heart of downtown Asheville at 64 Merrimon Avenue. I am committed to providing flexible and accessible therapy options to meet your needs. Whether you prefer the personal connection of in-person sessions, the convenience of virtual therapy, or the ease of telephone consultations, I am here to support you. For those who feel more comfortable or find it more convenient, I offer secure teleconference appointments, ensuring you receive the care you need in the setting that suits you best. My goal is to make therapy accessible and adaptable, providing you with the support you need, wherever you are.
Contact Form
I invite you to fill out the contact form below with your details and a brief message about how I can assist you. To help you get started on your journey to well-being, I offer a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation. This initial conversation allows us to discuss your needs and explore if we are a good fit and how my therapy services can best support you.